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Keira Vyper

Posts: 11

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Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013

Hey everyone, i wasnt able to make awards last night so i wanted to post something here to congratulate everyone on their awards and to thank everyone who voted for me! so.. thank you! and congrats

goodluck on the upcoming season! i'm looking forward to playing with you all again

~ Keira
Janieke Blanchard

Posts: 43

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Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013

Hope you were able to get a moving truck on such short notice to get all those awards home! Congrats!!
Ashlene McMinnar

Posts: 290

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Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013

Anh or Kacey have a list I think.

& Grats Keira!!

And thanks to those who voted for me, didn't expect that!

x Ash.

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