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Cob Catesby
Posts: 1

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Last Updated: Sat Dec 28, 2013

Hi there,

The name is Cob, Cob Catesby! I was doing a little porting around and deiced to see if there was a hockey community here on SL, and low and behold I found one! I've been a huge flyers fan growing up, even went to a game when they came down to Washington once when I was a kid. I've already gone down the list of newbie "To-do" list, and I realize I'm a little late for this season, but I can't wait to be apart of this when it gets started back up again. I've already got some of the free equipment and join the GOHA group, is there anything else I should do? I would love any and all tips.
John Simms
League Admin

Posts: 36

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Posted: Wed Jan 1, 2014

Hi and welcome Cob! I can help you get going just look for me in world.

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