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JeanLuc Galtier
Posts: 1

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Posted: Tue Jan 7, 2014

Hello everyone!

I'm JeanLuc Galtier but please feel free to call me Luc. Though I have been in SL since 2007 I just happened upon Chamonix City and GOHA a few weeks ago. Javi found me knocking a puck around, alone, one night and gave me my first virtual hockey lesson. Since then he and Kacey have been coaching me and I am amazed by all they have taught me in such a short time. But I still have a lot to learn as became clear in my first game last night with "The Foxes". I am in the Rookie Farm League, on loan to The Foxes, and I'm having a lot of fun. BIG thanks to Javi and Kacey and to all the other players who have made me feel welcome and offered me tips and encouragement.
Ashlene McMinnar

Posts: 290

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Posted: Tue Jan 7, 2014

Welcome to the league JeanLuc, I hope you'll have a great time and it was fun playing with you yesterday!

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