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Jack Belvedere
League Admin

Posts: 3863

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Last Updated: Fri Dec 26, 2008

I'm doing a lot of work down on the island for a month or two. I have some new teleports up and it seems it's causing some confusion. I will work on ideas for that. We're trying to cut down on number of folks rezzing in directly at the rink. When you tp into the island you're supposed to be landing in a small hub room about 200m up. There's a blue ball and big sign where you teleport to the rink. You can get down to the island using the red ball. Matrix reality..take the blue pill for hockey. Take the red pill for another LOTR build. It's been awhile since I did a nice sim build so I thought I'd spend the winter doing that yay! I'm using my alt to build. This is because it is quieter..the Jack gets too killed with IMs and distractions to get much done. Please don't be offended if you run into me and I'm not talking much, and the alt won't exchange a friends card.If there is something truly important of course drop me a line. I'm not sure what we're doing yet with the hockey stores. To be honest, I'd just as soon either have them near the rink or not have them, it's obviously a bit of a headache. I'm leaning towards those low lag vendors-only somewhere around the rink area but will get back to you on that.

For season 7 the league is going to be a bit tougher on the rezzing-in issue. Avatars are responsible for most lag at the sim. Scripts are very low. You'll notice a direct correlation in those terrible peanut butter lag spikes occurring when someone rezzes in near the ice. Everyone should rez in AWAY from the ice. When you log off, please don't log back in at the rink, choose "my home" for log in. Goalie or ref crashes during games are ok to log back in at last location, otherwise please log back in at home and tp back to Jericho Hill. We're looking at ways to help everyone, the league has grown tremendously and to help w/ related lag this season this is a start. Thanks for the cooperation.
KingHenrik Lundquist

Posts: 879

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Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008

Jack, lmao, my home IS the rink XD
Ruffian Lane
Posts: 222

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Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008

so can I log on at my house, then go through my picks to the rink were I spawn up top were the equipment is

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