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Storm vs Blades game yesterday
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Jack Belvedere
League Admin

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Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011

A notice was sent out that this game was forfeited but can be disregarded. It turned out the game was played, though one team did not have sufficient players until 20-25 minutes after the scheduled start time, and the scheduled refs did not make it in time.

I am not going to change the game status since it was agreed on at the time, but I want to remind everyone: The rules are that if a team doesn't have players or subs and it's 10 minutes past start time, that's when you start looking at forfeit. We have a history of very few forfeits, fortunately.

Naturally everyone would prefer to play a game than to forfeit. But I don't think it should be ok for teams to arrive that late because it sends a message that being prepared and on time doesn't matter. We have players who adjust their work schedules in order to make it to games on time, so it's inconsiderate to them too. Correct that it's just a game and life is more important and things do come up, but we need to stick to the rules:

STARTING THE GAME:Team captains should assist in getting their teams at the rink and ready to go by scheduled starting time. It is recommended that captains encourage teams to arrive at the rink 20-30 minutes before scheduled time, to help determine if subs are needed and avoid start-of-game delays. A team captain may have until 10 minutes past the scheduled game time to round up players for his/her team and be ready to start. At that time, the captain may either play short-handed or forfeit the game.

A game can still be played for fun if there's enough subs to have two teams.

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