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Thats no lady...thats my starting forward
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LauraAnne Sheridan

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Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008

The other day Im on the ice and my RL kid (9yo) is standing next to me beaming with pride that his mom is out there body checking with the best of them, when all of a sudden blaring on my speakers and scrolling across my screen is a torrent of foulness. ("hey mom....whats a skank?")

Hey, I know this is hockey...and in a locker room full of men the talk gets pretty raunchy. But were not in a locker room, your in my living room and not all of us are men. Im no prude, and I FULLY support the use of expletives in language for emphasis. (use them myself)

Gestures are cool, theyre funny, but....they are not private. When you play a gesture you are as if in the real world running into the street and shouting at the top of your lungs for everyone in ear shot to hear.

I dont know about anyone else..but I do make judgements about what kinda person you are by the gestures YOU choose to play. Oh I know its not YOU saying it, but..well it kinda is. Any asshole (see told you I did) can play a gesture. Its a very poor substitute for wit. Often they are played it seems with no other purpose than to annoy others and get attention.

Ok before ya'll start jumping on me...Im not asking anyone to change anything. Its MY responsibilty to protect my kids ears not yours. Ive got headphones, and he doesnt HAVE to watch me play. Im not mad, im not calling for censorship or rules. Just something to think about. I dunno maybe im just getting old. Life has a way off slapping the stupid out of you over time

Your a great bunch and I really enjoy being a part of this terrific group, even if you are a buncha potty mouths

"Why are mature sims usualy full of the most immature people?" - unknown SL Philosopher

Kert Upshaw
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Last Updated: Sat Dec 20, 2008

I am sorry to hear your baby had to hear such foulness.

This F-in skank gesture really rubs me the wrong way also.

IMO! this is an issue that should be addressed.

having fun and being a smartass is one thing.
but most that are to immature to express their
true feelings in a positive manor fall back on
these gestures as yes "Who they really are"
and it is a shame that a young child should have to listen to the type
of language.

I agree! do not bash us for being just a bit more adult then some of you.

Mature sim is one thing. but when you get a mature sim and not so mature people.
these are the things the rest of us get forced to listen to.

someday when they have children they may understand this. until that time I am sure we will be bashed for speaking our minds.
Jack Belvedere
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Last Updated: Sat Dec 20, 2008

Yes, that is a tough spot. I have my computer off in a bedroom, which saves me some of the explaining-to-do, but there's plenty of times my kids are in here. LOL I thought immediately of the time when my dad was over and I had a game to play and he was curious, he'd never seen it, so he came back to watch. We always play in group voice chat, and one team member (name omitted to save public embarrassment) missed a pass or something and said "Oh you $%*#*@(%^&##!!!!" My dad left the room so quick I thought he might break a hip going out.

And of course many gestures are played and not very nice ones sometimes. I'm guilty too.

It would be futile to have rules and restrictions on this kind of thing though, you're right, imagine the enforcement alone. But it's a good idea to bring it to attention and give people something to think about. Maybe folks could consider trying to keep it semi-clean during games and activities during day time hours when it's likely that other computer users might have small kids around. Folks with kids can also consider using the headphones or keeping the volume low, cause heaven knows it would never go completely away. It's important to remember that the open computer screen on both sides means, you don't really know who's out there watching what you're saying and doing. I'm making a mental note right now to save the F-bomb gestures for after-hours stuff!
Allen Tsarchon

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Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008

Yeah you guys are right in the fact We should be more mindful of others and should consider there might be little ears around. I cant speak for everyone else but Ill do what I can to clean up my gestures. Play ones that are little more frendly to the ears. Excpet for the Hippes suck gesture cuse I dont like hippies and they suck !!!!! lol!!!!
Kert Upshaw
Team Admin
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Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008

Excpet for the Hippes suck gesture cuse I dont like hippies and they suck !!!!! lol!!!!

Run Hippie Run!

Ruffian Lane
Posts: 222

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Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008

people play gestures just to play them, I know I do. Ive spent probably hours of game time just sitting at the rink, surveying my 1000 gesture pack and just playing along with more than a few other players. its all in fun and a lot of them are hilarious. im not gonna turn here and send out personal insults and express my true feelings about this, but to say we are immature for playing them is a little off the wall. gestures are gestures, nothing more. if those players had mics that were permanently on the chat would be a lot more vulgar than it is now.
KingHenrik Lundquist

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Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008

Robo Girl wrote:
("hey mom....whats a skank?")

Now there's a problem here...why is he asking what the second word is, when he should be asking what the first word means! ]_]

Anyways, point is not the reason behind gestures (I'm sure Laura was generalizing), but the timing factor. I agree, maybe censoring ourselves during games is the best idea (unsportsmanlike?) and it would be probably better if we cut it down to a minimum in all of SL.
Bedtime Bobbysocks

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Last Updated: Mon Dec 22, 2008

Your never going to be able to control it. No matter what you do.

I hate to say it but it is a mature sim. I do agree with you that lately it has been getting out of control with alot of folks with all of the rookies comming in.

The gesture spam has deffinatly gotton out of control lately. But I mean I'm sorry that your kid saw and heard that. I don't know who it was from I know I have the gesture (assuming your talking about f'in skank) but the only time I ever use it is with Gunner or when someone else uses it. We have used it for a long time now and its second nature to do it.

I know this doesn't help any but in any sim in second life it's almost required to have headphones on a mature sim because of things like that.

I would encourage you if you have your kid around the computer screen to say something to the folks around you. If people know there is a kid around they can be more aware and cautious.

Thats probably the best thing you can do.

Trimbor Slade
Posts: 27

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Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008

"Won't somebody think of the children!"

Maude Flanders
Naples John

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Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008

I am with you Laura. And I think it's perfectly appropriate for you to form an opinion of people based on the gestures they play.

I agree that censorship is not the answer; maybe just take it down a notch.

How does this play out on SLCN? I've never seen a broadcast, but does this stuff come across on the airwaves?
Anh Lycia

Posts: 243

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Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008

I agree with Laura wholeheartedly. I have an 8-yr-old niece who is sometimes in the room when I am at games, and who doesn't need to hear that language either. I either use headphones or just *mute* severe offenders and have done with it.
Bedtime Bobbysocks

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Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008

I am with you Laura. And I think it's perfectly appropriate for you to form an opinion of people based on the gestures they play.

I agree that censorship is not the answer; maybe just take it down a notch.

How does this play out on SLCN? I've never seen a broadcast, but does this stuff come across on the airwaves?

It doesn't unless the SLCN crew wants it to. Or if Say Kert has his speakers on loudly and someone played something right next to him.

At the Snails it was encouraged to make taunts for the snail racers when you were a course frenchmen in a few races. (Thus why I made the monty python frenchman gestures) They had an avatar placed next to the taunters and only the taunters were not muted.

So in other words no it wont make it to SLCN airwaves unless they choose for it to.
Naples John

Posts: 127

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Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008

Thanks for the response BB

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