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5-31 Wolves vs Cobras
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Naples John

Posts: 127

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Posted: Tue Jun 2, 2009

Boston Beeks with an astounding 58 hits!!

That's gotta be some kinda record; one of those never to be broken.
Huxley Fouroux

Posts: 196

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Posted: Tue Jun 2, 2009

Pokechecks are included in a players checks for and against. But yes, Boston was a madman that game.
Boston Beeks
Posts: 246

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Posted: Tue Jun 2, 2009

Yea about 99% of those were pokechecks... plus I think I hit Viv twice
Han Okelli

Posts: 363

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Last Updated: Tue Jun 2, 2009

Way to Go Boston you're one of my idols!
Dyz Warburton
League Admin
Posts: 526

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Posted: Tue Jun 2, 2009

Looks to me like Boston's on the look-out for Ellick & Hux.

Attached are details, for Boston's enjoyment

Dyz Warburton
League Admin
Posts: 526

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Posted: Tue Jun 2, 2009

A side note... Boston does lead the division in hits so far, with 122 hits in 4 games.

Nadoka, someone's looking to take your title!
Boston Beeks
Posts: 246

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Posted: Tue Jun 2, 2009

Han wrote:
;D Way to Go Boston you're one of my idols!

Thank you Han

Dyz Warburton wrote:
A side note... Boston does lead the division in hits so far, with 122 hits in 4 games.

Cool stats Dyz as always, thanks for sharing the hit data from that game, and the hit totals.
Vivienne Coppola

Posts: 469

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Posted: Wed Jun 3, 2009

Yea about 99% of those were pokechecks... plus I think I hit Viv twice :)

Its true!
Ellick Yumako

Posts: 163

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Posted: Mon Jun 8, 2009

grrr Boston is a beast... i think 40 of them were from me =( good job wolves great game awesome job boston
Turoki Ametza

Posts: 259

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Posted: Mon Jun 8, 2009

Dyz Warburton wrote:

Nadoka, someone's looking to take your title!

Nadoka didn't have that title anyway. Beavis did.
Vivienne Coppola

Posts: 469

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Posted: Tue Jun 9, 2009

Yeah but Nadoka is the Ledge!

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