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I have just heard the weirdest story...
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August Lusch

Posts: 215

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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008

so my wife comes in and starts talking about work...and eventually...says "I have got the weirdest thing to tell you..."

so more or less how it was said to me, I shall tell to you.

A friend of hers keeps snakes, she doesn't keep them in tanks or anything they're free to roam the house, the largest one sleeps next to her coiled up...and has done for sometime.

Lately, the large one has been ill, puking up bile and stuff, so she took it to the vet, the vet at first was initially at a loss as to what was wrong.

So she took it home, and things continued like this for another couple of weeks, she eventually took it back to the vet...the vet asked if there was any other symptoms etc. mind raced at this point cause snakes are..well...I went into the "sick disgusting area of snake/woman intercourse" but I was far off...apparently the snake had stop coiling in bed next to her, and had starting lying stretched out.

weird, my wife thought it sounded like it had swallowed a broom.

the vet upon hearing this symptom told her to get "rid of the snake, get rid of the snake right now".

you see, it was uncoiling next to her in bed to see how big she was, and puking bile to make room to eat her. Read that sick is that!
Jack Belvedere
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Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008

that's cool lol I'm morbid

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