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Hello from Ms. Brunswick from Brunswick
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Almut Brunswick

Posts: 1

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Last Updated: Tue Jul 22, 2014


Since some years, I'm a very frequent visitor of the Chamonix sims and I'm sitting on the visitor's benches quite often. Unfortunately, I don't have any clue about ice hockey, both in RL and SL. But because I like the atmosphere and I've found some friends here, I decided to make my bystander status an end and to put the ice skates on myself. Not yet sure if I ever will become a real league player (my reactions are probably a bit too slow...), but I'm curious enough to learn more about this sport.

I personally would highly appreciate when there would be something like an informal exhibition at Chamonix which tells clueless visitors like me the most essential things. Maybe I can help to make that real somewhere to attract even more vistors and potential new players. For this aim, I would like to gather some own experiences.

See you at Chamonix!

John Simms
League Admin

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Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014

Hi Almut we're glad you're interested in learning more about GOHA! We hold practices almost every day. If you're in the GOHA group you'll see notices when they will be held. We hope you have fun learning about the game!
karynn windlow
Posts: 204

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Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014

hit everything that moves, drink lots o rum and learn how to pass
and yes in that order
Keira Vyper

Posts: 11

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Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014

Rum ^
Lane Scorpio

Posts: 32

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Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014

*waves* to almut ^_^

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