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Nic Renegade

Posts: 230

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Last Updated: Fri Mar 7, 2008

Since most of you dont check the sfl forums...lmao!

I will most likely not be online at all this weekend.
The boss called me up and gave me a choice to work OT this weekend for extra cash, and I need it..You know how that goes.

I may though, be online Sunday.

Smurfs meeting postponed until Next friday, before the SFL Mid-Season draft time.

I would like you all to act mature for these games this weekend, yes I want you to play, I want to ask for someone to keep track of stats in a Notecard or however you feel comfortable doing it...Set up as follows:

For QB's..
(Player Name)-QB- _COMP _ATTEMPT _YDS _TD _INT _F _S

(Player Name)-WR/RB- _RUSH _YDS _TD _REC _YDS _TD _F

(Player Name)-D- _T _S _INT _FR

RUSH-Times attempted to run by a player
ATTEMPT- How many times the ball was thrown
COMP- Completions
REC- Receptions
FR-Fumble Recovered

Remember one blitz per drive, ONE MAN, per blitz attempt

Games on both Sat and Sunday
4pm SLT Saturday
3pm SLT Sunday

Thank you all, and have fun!!! Dont forget to drop me those notecards so I can update the site :).....Go Miners!!!

Jensen Itokawa

Posts: 68

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Posted: Sun Mar 9, 2008

We never agreed to one MAN blitz, it was only one blitz per drive.

Hell all the Smurfs could blitz you, how is that not fair?

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