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10,000 BC (stands for Bad Crap?)
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Jack Belvedere
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Posted: Sun Mar 9, 2008

Ok...Don't waste the ten bucks lol

I had to leave the celebrations early today because we planned to go see 10,000 BC (hope I didn't miss too much fun!) I was excited about the movie because it looked along the same vein as Apocalypto, which I loved. But it's sooo bad lol...It looked like the director was inspired by Apocalypto but somehow managed to magle the concept.

Apocalypto: A bad tribe comes in and wipes out half a village, ties up the rest and takes them off to a city, where half the people are covered with powder and human sacrifice is performed. The hero of the movie escapes and manages to make it back to his wife and save her.

10,000 BC: A bad tribe comes in and wipes out half a village, ties up the rest and takes them off to a city, where half the people are covered with powder and human sacrifice is performed. The hero of the movie escapes and manages to make it back to his girlfriend and save her.

The differences: 10,000 BC sucks, and everyone has nice teeth.

Apocalypto, on the other hand was beautifully researched and the entire story and underlying themes (bravery, honor, loyalty, revenge) was perfectly done and I highly recommend it as long as you don't have a weak stomach (The human sacrifice scenes are pretty realistic and brutal). I am a big fan of historical dramas and this one was pretty dead-on down to small details like the heavy use of jade and the Mayan royalty familiarity with the calender. There were some abuses of history too, but not to the glaringly disturbing things in 10,000 BC.

August Lusch

Posts: 215

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Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008

ok, point taken, will avoid like the plague...nice review style though, excellent wording and brilliant disecting of the key points of the film.

So 10,000 BC probably less than one Star
Your Review 4 Stars

(you'd have got an extra star if you'd have made it postmodern and slightly funnier)

Jack Belvedere
League Admin

Posts: 3863

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Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008

10,000 BC:

(one bad star)


(four happy stars)

The plan is to turn the league into a movie review site for S5.
Boston Beeks
Posts: 246

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Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008

Thanks for posting your thoughts of the movie Jack I was hoping it would be a good movie from the previews I have seen but now I won't waste my money on it. We need a "Jack in the Popcorn Box Movie Review" forum or something now. lol

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