Hi all. Last night I crashed from SL I now cant access the website www.secondlife.com this is the error message I get... Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage Most likely causes: You are not connected to the Internet. The website is encountering problems. There might be a typing error in the address. What you can try: Diagnose Connection Problems More information
This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:
Internet connectivity has been lost. The website is temporarily unavailable. The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable. The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website's domain. If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, click Tools, click Internet Options, click Advanced, and check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols are enabled under the security section.
For offline users
You can still view subscribed feeds and some recently viewed webpages. To view subscribed feeds
Click the Favorites Center button , click Feeds, and then click the feed you want to view.
To view recently visited webpages (might not work on all pages)
Click Tools , and then click Work Offline. Click the Favorites Center button , click History, and then click the page you want to view.
I cant access SL either I dont get the offline/online screen just a blank start up screen and then the message to say about the dns any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. thanks Viv x |
If you are running a router or a firewall, something could be wrong there. Or your internet could just be acting wonky. |
It sounds dumb, but I once was blocked and did an uninstall and reinstall of SL and it resolved. (Other times I've done that and it didn't resolve, but it's worth a first try) |
Cheers guys will give them a go this evening and let you know how I get on! |
yeah its Orange...broadband that is the thing is i can access every website page there is except second life for some reason it doesnt recognise the ip address or at least it wont let me connect to it. I will try anything though. |
I looked on the sL forums and there's some other people having issues with the IP. As of right now no one posted a solution, I will keep an eye on it though. |
It's possible that your local ISP's DNS server is having menstrations. (Mine does it on a regular basis, hence the aside.) |
bloody new computer! works a dream with lag but never had these kinda problems on the old one will keep you posted though this evening when i get home and try all the aforementioned things you have suggested above
If it's a new computer, see if it's running a firewall because that would cause lag too...you might need to open ports or turn it off all-together. |
strange, not sure what the problem is. maybe renew your ip address. get to your command prompt, type in "ipconfig /renew", and press "Enter", and then check if it worked. |
Hi guys, I have tried all of the above and it is still not working I have access to every single website but not secondlife or any of second life components i even tried teensecondlife but that doesnt work either i do now have access to ajax life so i can log into sl to IM but that is all when I put www.secondlife.com into the address bar it redirects me to the google page as if I had just searched second life... if I then click on the link it tells me the error message i already posted above! Ive tried a complete factory reset on my pc and it is now at the state it was at when i received it from the manufacturers alledgedly but still nothing. I have removed all the firewalls... the windows one, the mc afee one and the one from my internet service provider still nothing. ive tried reconnecting disconnecting the internet nothing. i have tried what boston suggested still nothing. King thanks for your suggestions but you have to remember dont talk technically i have no computer knowledge at all other than how to switch it on. I will try and get connected later this evening to AJAX life and if any of you are around and would be able to help or offer suggestions that would be fantastic.. I really dont know what else to try! Come friday when I have more time I might try and plug in my old hard drive and see if that still connects Anyway hopefully will get something sorted by friday! one way or another. thanks again for all your help so far.. Viv
I had this problem about a week or two ago. It didn't last long, but long enough for me to get mad and file a ticket! grrrr Their response? Check your firewall/spam blocker to see if it is blocking access to SL. Supposedly, sometimes these things get a mind of their own and block certain sites for no reason? I call shenanigans cause it cleared in 10 minutes! But it might be worth a look? |
seriously guys i have turned off every firewall spam blocker that i know of on the computer... I just dont know why this is happening.... I might have to retire Viv from the game! I can still log onto ajax life so i can talk to you i just cant shop!!! woo hoo save myself some Lindens when I get time i will try and hook up my old computer and see if that still works
Call your internet provider and see if they can help you out! |
That might work. Sometimes there's glitches in IP. This server for teamopolis, for instance, blocks IPs sometimes falsely. It's supposed to be protection against spammers, but I even got blocked once. I contacted teamopolis and they fixed it. I suppose SL has some system too. Talking to them is frustrating though..getting through is tough so just be prepared to sit awhile if you call the Linden hotline.  |
can you Adam 'n' Eve it???? I asky myself.... aparently my broadband provider had server issues... which was preventing me from accessing some not all websites... obviously for me just second life. also I sent a ticket to second life there response was 1 not all the servers that provides logins to their website to old Blighty went down for 24 hours so a combination of orange and second life was at fault.. so i now have a computer that runs second life but has no other programmes on it cause i ran a factory restore lol. anyway normal services are resumed and ill see you all at weekend hockey! one final note thanks to everyone that posted comments and suggestions here.