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Jack Belvedere
League Admin

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Posted: Wed May 28, 2008

Allan Gudkov and Tiro Roogus have volunteered to be in charge of the farm division. I will still be able to assist but just have limited time to be in SL on most farm game nights so I had put out a call for volunteers to step up. All 3 are fairly new players which is great, they have the recent experience of going through farm and some good insight on what works and what doesn't. What they will be doing is assisting all rookies with learning to play, helping to organize farm games and drafts. They will also be assisting with getting folks on teams, so coaches please communicate with them on individual team needs.

The teams continue to have coaches as before, in charge of individual teams. Extremely Noble has volunteered as coach several times though I am not sure who needs him most..coaches?

We're still having significant issues with Wolves getting them fully rostered with active players. We put another player there last night, Amaranth, and probably now need to be looking at going back to the every-2-weeks draft. Coaches and farm commissioners please keep looking at players..who shows, who's ready to be drafted, and we'll plan on a draft 2 weeks from this Sunday if that sounds good to you all. Then also decide when you want farm to start up again after this initial 3 weeks of game times. Depending on your availability..We could keep it going all season or have breaks in between.
Bedtime Bobbysocks

Posts: 420

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Posted: Wed May 28, 2008

I think our roster is starting to become more solid. It's taking time but we are starting to weed out the inactive folks and the active folks are stepping forward.

I wish to thank Jack and all of the farm league coaches for their hard work getting these folks ready. After June your going to see me alot more. June is the month where its just nuts for me. Then again it already is but June I don't believe I will have a day off ever.

I hope to see our team improve over the next few games dramaticaly and I think we will begin to.

Again thanks for all of the hard work.

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