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Dyz Warburton
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Posted: Tue Jun 3, 2008

Somthing interesting? Today? Lets think...

June the 3rd marks the anniversary of Mabo Day, a day that has important ramifications for Australian Society. Mabo Day is a day that is virtually unknown and ignored by most Australians.

On the third of June 1992 the High Court of Australia rejected the ridiculous notion of "Terra Nullius", that Australia was not occupied before European colonization. Eddie Mabo a Torres Strait man born on Mer in the Torres Strait and living in Townsville in Queensland conducted a ten year battle through the courts that led to this historic judgment. The Mabo Judgment states in law that indigenous Australians have by prior occupation, ownership of land where native title has not been extinguished.

The Mabo decision is arguable the most important decision that the High Court of Australia has made since Federation. It states Indigenous people have Legal Rights not just Symbolic Rights to all Crown Land in Australia, as well as possible rights to pastoral leases. Mabo Day marked the beginning of a new era for Indigenous people. It changed Australian's views of themselves and their rights to this land. It has forced mining companies and the corporate world to take stock of Indigenous peoples' claims. It has radically altered the relationship between Indigenous and non Indigenous people.

On the tenth anniversary, in 2002, Eddie Mabo's widow, Bonita Mabo, called for a national public holiday on the anniversary of the High Court's decision. Mrs Mabo said Eddie Mabo would be singing and dancing in delight over the progress made. "He would be dancing and singing - I can see him doing it," she said. "It's going to be a long time but at least we're starting to get somewhere which is great. Since '92 there was nothing like this around and you know people couldn't say, 'oh this is my land, this is my country, I'm a traditional owner', which makes them so proud of who they are." Mrs Mabo said a national holiday would be the most appropriate way of celebrating Mr Mabo's efforts. "You know we don't have to have the Queen's birthday weekend."
Jack Belvedere
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Posted: Tue Jun 3, 2008

Oh yeah I think I saw that movie.."Wolf Creek" I believe..

ChanelCoCo Noel

Posts: 12

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Posted: Tue Jun 3, 2008

Hon you are too funny. I almost did the same thing earlier. Sooo bored here at work and this is one of the verrrry few sites that they didnt actually block on me lol. Will this day ever end! gah!

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