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Global Online Hockey Association (GOHA) was established in 2005-06 and continuing development through 2020 inside the virtual reality world of Second Life. In GOHA, you can join tournaments and earn trophies, join and play in seasons, or just play for fun. Make new friends by experiencing hockey in Second Life!

Everything is free at GOHA including equipment, uniforms and coaching, it is also free to join teams for both league and tournaments and of course watching any of the games and events.

Second Life is a world created by its residents, otherwise known as avatars and GOHA is created by and for those with the love of hockey. Second Life, SL, and inSL are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. The Global Online Hockey Association is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research.



How to play

If your team scores one goal your team gets one point. Whoever has the most points wins. If two teams are tied you go into overtime, where the first person to score wins. If two teams are in the same standing (score in team ranks), they must play again in order to break the tie.

Regulation games in GOHA consists of three periods, each lasting up to eight minutes in game time. Overtime consists of periods of 20 minute game time until one team wins.

Each season's length is based on the time of year, number of teams, and number of available players. It also effects when the season begins and how many playoffs occur. All teams will play each other in the regular season several times. Each season consists of preseason games, regular season games, then a set of playoff series. Preseason games take place after the season draft, and do not count toward any official standings results.

Teams can have up to six players (5 skaters and 1 goaltender). Playoff seedings are a form of ranking to determine which teams are the best. 



How do I get started?


1. Log in to Second Life

If you don't have a Second Life account, go to their website: Create an account. You will need to create an "avatar" (character) and enter the virtual world. Once you're inside and have figured out how to get around, go to the blue "Search" tab at the bottom of your screen, search under "Groups", and type in "Global Online Hockey Association". Hit the JOIN button. It's free.

2. Contact a GOHA member

They will help you get the right equipment and get your name on a list for rookie training and draft. Farm Coaches can be paged at any Rink, look for the Rookie Coach Pager Signs in world or any GOHA Information Kiosk. If it's easier for you, just IM the GOHA group. There's always someone online, and they can help you.

3. Come by one of our rinks

Rinks are located at Chamonix City. You can find the locations by typing "GOHA" in your Second Life Search.

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