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Team History:

Season 4 replacement team for Pandas

SL Community Affiliation:
Ravenswood Community Theater
Ravenswood Theater Website

First Season Played:
Season 4

Original Team Roster:

The Arena Cup (Euro Division Season Champs)
Seasons 5 and 6
Season 10

Dingson Trophy (Team MVP Foxes)
S7 Allan Gudkov and Nadoka Oh
S8 Nic Renegade

Current Team Captain:
Kacey Rossini

Current Team 

Favorite Events/Memories:
Ashlene McMinnar: "
I scored. TWICE. In an ACTUAL GAME. *I* scored. okies? xD Oh and.. when I started on Foxes (thank you Kacey!!) I was like.. "Who's this Lari fella people are always on about?" .. but now it's like, YAY LARI IS HERE! No honestly, thanks Foxes for giving me my start in S9.

Jack Belvedere: "I only got to play a few games with the Foxes this season (9) after my trade from Ravens. We didn't do so hot, but I was able to play some offense and scored a few goals. I enjoyed the team spirit and hope to be a Fox again!"

Allan Gudkov: "I was the foxes in s6. This is were i got my first taste as captain. I loved captaining for the foxes. We won the cup had awesome players on the team. We worked hard as a team. I will always miss the s6 team."

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