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Team History:

The Ice Lords were a Season 4 expansion team.

SL Community Affiliation:
SLU (Second Life Universe)


First Season Played:
Season 4

Original Team Roster:
Harley Wachmann
Tim Pilote
Dyz Warburton
Devon Molinairi
Sanuelron Yue
Don Pharoah
Montecore Babcock
Cam Juno

League Awards:

The Global Cup (NA division Season Champs)-Season 11
The Tomba Cup (NA Division Regular Season Champs)-Season 6

Warburton Trophy Team MVP Ice Lords-S4 Dyz Warburton,S7 Nic Renegade, S8 Allan Gudkov

The Toilet Bowl Trophy (won in best-of-7 between lowest standings teams)-Season 7

Current Team Captain:
Kayden Piers

Favorite Events/Memories:

Dyz Warburton: "Although other teams hated it, the Haka was a huge team builder for the Ice Lords. At the end of each game, we would gather at Center Ice and start the Haka. As seasons went on, players traded or drafted to the IL often were excited to finally be involved in it.

The Ice Lords set quite a few records in GOHA, one being when BillyBob Street scored 24 goals in a single game North American game in the inaugural season 5. The very green Splits Goalpost, who only played a handful of games, turned out to be a major contributor in taking the Ice Lords to the playoffs.

The Ice Lords Second Season was particularly tough, starting strong but struggling through the second half of the season. Through the loss of some key players and PC issues from our captain, the team held strong and pulled through, finishing the season stong and with pride. That season in particular really showed what the IL were made of ?

One other game comes to mind... I believe it was Season 5. We pulled our goalie and had everyone up on Offense trying to get another goal. I was the only person back on Defense... Jack and KH were on the opposing team. I've never seen two people more frustrated that they couldnt get to the open net

I wasn’t on IL for S9, but I particularly enjoyed the underdog story, Coming from behind to meet up with the Cobras in the Global Cup Finals!  A note for our S9 Ice Lords... finish strong, we know you can do it!"

Larithen Karu: "Best memory I have of the Lords, Season 8 when it just began, for the first couple of games we had a second team sitting on the bench. This seems to still hold true today as whenever I see the Lords play, they usually have a second crowd developing on there bench! Ice Lords seem to have this blessing/curse (depending on your outlook on life) on player attendance."

Deej Kasshiki: "I have two memories; one that I'm not very proud of and the other that's just the opposite. I'll tell the dumb noob story first:

As a rookie goalie I found myself finally starting in net after playing on D for several games. I was really excited and I think my excitement and nerves got the best of me at the end of the game when we were down by 1 or 2 goals and the Captain (can't remember if it was BillyBob Street or maybe Tiro Roogus or Dyz Warburton acting as Captain) called for everyone to come up and play O. Not wanting to disobey I also came forward out of the crease as the puck dropped. As soon as I realized what a dumb thing this was I tried to get back in net, but of course the other team got one by me. Thankfully the Lords were a good-natured group and just had a nice laugh at the expense of one very embarrassed rookie.

My other memory is from this season. Just a few games into the season I was traded to the Lords from the Polar Bears. The team was full of raw rookies who had to do a lot of learning via getting beat up in games. After a while the stress of getting beat down by the other teams, losing our best player Fall Goalpost for several games and trying to help the rookies while not losing my cool was so overwhelming that I wanted to just quit. We ended up in last place and were getting walked on by everyone.

But through all that, as bad as things seemed, Asst. Captains Gerhard Hesse and Allan Gudkov remained positive and did a great job holding the team together. Our rookies (major kudos to Lito Menoptra, Trisha McBain, Adam Nikolaidis and Kristoff Jameson) kept working and growing and the team kept chugging away. Soon the newer players found their stride and Fall returned. After a couple of key personnel moves (Allan reluctantly taking over in net backed up by William Sommerfield, adding Keira Vyper's offensive firepower and me moving to D) the Lords were off and running.

We were dead. We were in last place and could have easily folded. The fact that we didn't speaks to the competitiveness, the toughness and the camaraderie of the S9 Ice Lords. Now we're in the championship series and just a few wins away from the trophy. I can't express how proud I am to be a small part of what's been an amazing season so far.

How's that for an "outhouse to penthouse" story?"

KingHenrik Lundquist: "The few games I played as an Ice Lord were some of my favorite. We always had a laugh, and always played as a team. Dyz was my favorite "

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