Team History:
Mammoth are a Season 9 expansion team.
SL Community Affliliation:
First Season Played:
Season 9
Original Team Roster:
Kert Upshaw
Dyz Warburton
Anhayla Lycia
Beavis Beckham
Jack Belvedere
Katia Ixtab
Ian Humby
Daniel43 Baxton
Vivienne Coppola
Han Okelli
League Awards:
Toilet Bowl Trophy
Season 9
Courneyor Trophy (Outstanding Teamwork)
Season 9, 15
Lycia Trophy (Mammoth Team MVP)
S11 Sacha Pangaea
S12 Katia Ixtab
S13 Javierito Noel
S14 Javierito Noel
S15 Karynn Windlow
Current Team Captain:
Team defunct as of Season 16.
Favorite Events/Memories:
Dyz Warburton: "I believe it was the Mammoth's second game... the group was in voice chat talking about anything and everything while the game was going. Once the laughter started, it never stopped. Poor Kert just threw up his hands, he didnt know what to do with us that day.Did we win that game? Who knows... we had fun though."
Jack Belvedere: "My favorite Team Geritol memory this season was the mass confusion following a mention of a "fanny pack". Vivienne was temporarily speechless. None of us Yanks realized that the word "fanny", to our friends from the other side of the ocean, is a slang for the most personal female anatomy. Also winning the Toilet Bowl Trophy, which sure has gained a lot of prestige since the time it started as a way to just keep playing into playoffs season. Kert Upshaw is a truly amazing and patient captain. I was very sad to have this season end, but glad for the experience of it."
Anhayla Lycia: "Little did the other teams know that team mammoth chat ranged from
discussions about mustard to fanny packs to Harry Peters.. All I know
is that rarely did I get through a game without being blinded by the
tears running down my cheeks from laughing so hard. If everyone knew
how much fun we had during our games, they would all want to be
mammoths! I think my favorite memory was the game we all wore the old
folks avatars. Good times, team Geritol ... Stick it in 'em!"
Vivienne Coppola: "Im laughing at the laughing... too many good memories of Team
Geritol... and Beavis you miss it all!!! Stick it in em!! Fanny packs
and yes Kert got the word fanny into one of his sunday treet spots... I
have had many good nights with you guys with tears streaming down my
face and muting the snorts... or did I mute them I cant remember.
playing with you guys I ache after from the laughter and feel like I
have done a work out! It was truly a blast this season and I enjoyed
playing in every single game!"
Han Okelli: "I enjoyed this team because it was full of wise, funny and patient
people who were already special friends but became a great team support
to me. I'm glad I was a Mammoth with the original members."
Ian Humby: "I really enjoyed being a part of the Mammaries...err...Mammoth's
inagural season! Very difficult to pinpoint just one favorite memory.
The in-game chats were absolutely a highlight, many of which will
forever be classified as "you had to be there." Viv explaining what
"fanny" really means across the pond while at the same time making
amazing saves was inspiring. Fantastic team unity. This S9 team
epitomized what fun and sportmanship is and should be in GOHA."
Kert Upshaw: "Best times making new friends.
Hearing Beavis tell us "he" didnt matter which player, was "CROOKED" he's crooked. woots.first few games into the season we had "Beavis Hair Day" always a good tradition, even when a teammate Mr
Warburton!.I would set the lines and 20 seconds into the game dyz would
say something like this]]] "can I go forward now?" 20 seconds into the
game,,, woots Dyz ..First time Anhayla said "stick it in em" Winning the toilet bowl This one i may miss most of all Viv would sing to us not sure it gets any better than that.Thanks Season 9 Mammoth. One more thing.Turtle."
Piperanne Decosta: "I was a rookie (Season 10) and I am so glad I was placed on this fine
team. Not only were we teamies but we were also friends. I am glad I had
the privelge of skating with some awesome people and some amazing
players. No matter what we stood strong as a team and came out fighting,
I've never seen a team with so much spirit and it was amazing. Kert
stood up for our team and took a lot in the sake of the team and it was
amazing. Toni rocked in goal everytime and she is quickly becoming one
of the most promising goalies in GOHA. Dex,Dyz,Anh, Hawke, Telmo,
Gunner, Kris, and Boston you all were so incredible and amazing in
everything you did for our team. Everyone working together as a team
made us strong. Our season may be over but the memories will live on
forever. I will never forget the laughter and fun we all had in group
chat together every single game we played. My sides would hurt from
laughing so much. I feel so privelged and blessed to have been apart of
this team. I will never ever forget all of my amazing fellow whooly
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