Team History:
Blades are a Season 10 European expansion team. (Currently on hiatus)
SL Community Affiliation:
Original Roster:
Acestar Ansar
Chiro120 Aquila
XxKaruXx Capelo
Arctic Kas
Rico Lorakeet
Abu Salazar
Tommy82 Slade
Keira Vyper
Ellick Yumako
Season 11 Euro Regular Season Winner
Season 11 Arena Cup Winner
Current Captain:
Sirkiko Vidor: I think the whole season 11 was special for us, not only because of the cup but for everything we had to go through. I remember we lost every single game in the pre-season with an awful 0-7-0 record. Most of our players were defensive specialists and for the first time in ten seasons I played as forward for an official GOHA team and had to try to take the "top scorer" role because we didn't have any by then. Besides, Abu was playing as goalie for the first time too. So yea the odds were definitely against us when the regular season started.But things went better than expected, Abu became a solid goalie and I was able to lead the top scorers until Lito joined us and I could finally go back to defense. Then he led the top scorers, lol. And of course can't forget the others: Fall owned in defense as usual, Mav and Brody helping as many as they could despite the RL schedule issues, Kayden showing great skills as utility player, scoring goals in ofense and saving our skins in defense many times, and Rodrigo, who couldn't play most of regular season but was able to join us in the end and helped a lot.
Ashlene McMinnar: I have had an amazing S12 on the Blades. I remember when draft came up I
was hoping for either Kiba or Fall to draft me and then, Fall did!
Sooner than I'd expected too but I was real excited. I'd been wanting to
play with certain people for a while and finally got that chance this
season. There isn't just 1 memory that stands out because there were
actually a lot of epic moments. I remember a game where it was just
Jack, Katia, Abu and myself and we somehow managed to win with Jack
scoring like 3 goals and even Katia getting like her only goal in the
season! Playing side by side with Lito has been wonderful, my little
fluffy hero! Kert Upshaw joined us too and he's like, woot. Abu &
Nikita, you're both mental but I've had a lot of fun with you on the
team! Fall, aside of Merrik you're the best captain I've had so far in
my GOHA career. Quinn I love you! Billy, the one game you showed, epic!
Kellan I miss you! Jack you're crazy, Katia you're amazing.. Fall, you
own!! I've had the best time & voice has been a laugh, I nearly
choked from laughing during that last game lol. You're all wonderful
people and I'll miss you in S13, big hugs EVERYONE!
Jack Belvedere: I don't know what happened that one game with me and Katia scoring, but I'll take it. I joined the team mid-season and have to say you guys were very welcoming and I had a blast! I'm surprised anyone scored at all with all the monkey business going on in voice chat, and finally in the last game of the season I hear Abu talk (or was it just a grunt?). We had some tough games but no one ever got down. Nice job team, and great season victory!
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