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This month we will talking with Bitter Longfall of the WB Motersports

   Am watching a Stock Car run laps around the Half Sim Oval, one the race tracks of the WB Motorsports Sim,
   the car pulls into the pits and the driver Bitter Longfall steps out. The following interview takes place to be posted
   through GOHA Hockey Group by Kacey Rossini.

Hi Bitter thank you for taking part in this interview. Can you tell me a little about how you got started ..

Biller Longfall: Well, with racing in SL generally, I've been interested in it since 2010 or 2011. Always tried to get into it someway or another but somehow the deal was never sealed. Then after I got tired of my boring SL life, thought I'd give it another go. So sometime in 2014, if I recall correctly, I got in with a racing league and spent time there for about one full season and 1/3. At first, it was a learning curve but I always wanted my name on the top of the board and be one of the greats... it amazes me and makes me feel grateful of how I went from 8th place finishes to eight championships overall. Then I got into the defunct SLARCA, found some sucess there by winning Rookie of The Year, but began finding myself growing tired of it all and was beginning to quit. Then I went to WB and met Willis... we began talking and discussing, then I was offered to help out with it all and it became a great working relationship, so I became Race Director, Track Marshall, etc. That's how the current form of WB began, even though the founder Willis has been here since 2007 and just worked on these cars until perfection. 

 Q. Did you know up front it would be such an amount of work to get this far?..

Biller Longfall: Good question. Yeah, I kinda always realized it would be tough at first... nobody wins in their first start ever. But sometimes, people don't put much thought into it. With me? That's all I thought about... how I can get better and what I can do. Luckily, with peoples help, I've been able to achieve that. Even to this day, I still try to think of what I can do better to make WB Motorsports the best place for drivers and guests... When my mind is on something, I stick to it until it's figured out.The toughest part for me was balancing emotions at first, so I kinda just wore myself out at first... but luckily, a lot was learned and improved on. 


Q. How you found a community within SL motor racing worldwide ?.... 

Biller Longfall: Well, you know, it's growing. With anything new, there is always those growing pains to fight through... but I think if we continue to offer drivers and guests a fun place for laugh, fun, and good racing, I think we'll continue to grow and hopefully reach a more worldwide community. We do have ideas in the pipeline that will cater better to our international fans while keeping our dedicated fans happy too.

 Q. Have you Media Projects that can be looked at online?...

Biller Longfall: We have several ways for drivers and guests to reach us beyond the track.

Our main website is: 

We have our races professionally recorded and prepared by our broadcasting company Rezzed.TV so our viewers watching can keep up with the action.

The link to the Replays is:  

We are always looking for more media options that include advertisement and blog posts regarding what we do and hope to achieve. 


Q. What would be the Ideal Future and Direction to take your Sport?...

Biller Longfall: The idea future and direction? No doubt, it would have to be to grow a fun and welcoming community. I've been in SL racing a bit to know a thing or two and I think that's the biggest goal... to restore some of that old racing community style, while offering a new fresh style of racing. To offer true drivers a good place where they can feel good and just have fun with friendly competitiveness.


Q. We are at the Oval race track just now can you tell me of the other tracks have here.

Biller Longfall: We have about six tracks, all mesh and completely different. All are tuned custom to our cars to offer the best racing possible. From the tricky hills of Hamer Island road course, to the fun flat out SpeedRing Oval. We have plans to release many, MANY more mesh tracks.. hopefully we'll have more than 20 differently shaped mesh tracks at the end of this year, wouldn't that be nice? 

Q. What would you like to say to anyone that is reading this Interview?..

Biller Longfall: I would just say, ''There are friendly places out here in SL''.... Every Sunday, we have races for our professional series, Sledgehammer Super Series. We give cash prizes to the top three finishers, as well as trophies...we also give pole awards to our pole winners. We plan to offer our drivers a wide range of vehicles of different bodies and handling character. Soon, we'll be introducing our new Stock Car series which will provide Second Life the most realistic Stock Car racing ever... try it for yourself, we have Stock Car demos at our three MESH ovals, which each handling very different. Everyone here is always willing to help any new drivers, to prepare them for a nice racing memory. Anybody can race, as we allow demo cars to race. We also offer points so drivers can compete for a championship at the end of a 10 week season. We welcome all.

Biller Longfall: And don't miss the action at 5PMSLT every Sunday, with our Stock Car schedule being announced soon! 

 Thank you for your time and will let you get back to testing your Stock Car ..

Willis Bailey and Bitter Longfall


   Check out the links and posters around the rinks and try it out for yourself 
    Kacey Rossini


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