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What else do you do besides hockey and Second Life?
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Jack Belvedere
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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008

So we've all known each other in an online sense for awhile now (for some of us, a couple years which is like dog years in online stuff) but how well do we know each other's little quirks and history, both RL and SL? Feel free to respond, of course do not use obvious specific information that stalkers would like to have. And of course, be aware that anything you say can and probably will be used against you in a trivia contest.

RL: I have a pretty ordinary life myself. I will be 41 this year. I'm married and 3 kids. Two dogs (Shut up, Lion) and one whiny, irritating cat. I treat wounds for a living. I'm a massive Stephen King fan and fan of other horror writers and movies. I have a die-hard politics hobby, like the news channels and researching politics and even met and introduced a presidential candidate for a speech recently. I can't get into sports participation personally, but I grab season tickets for our local AHL team every year. I own way too many hockey jerseys. I'm a decent artist which is another hobby of mine.

SL: I've been playing online games for years now, including SL and TSO and SWG and tried Everquest and LOTR and a few others. I'm mainly in SL these days. Katia and I have been online partners for four-plus years. There's a juicy story behind it. Ask me and I will tell you. (The SL Jack is more social than me and also he has more fun sometimes and can be a little uh immoral at times and do things I would never do in RL, which is fun.) We also brought Marcan and Thorn with us from another game. Marcan I have known even longer than Katia. While I spend most of time in SL with the league, I also spend a lot of time building and hanging with some other friends. There was a bunch of us who came from TSO that I keep in contact with. I build weird shit like houses from movies, egyptian buildings, etc. Every now and then I build sims for customers. I like RP sims (except Gorean ones).

August Lusch

Posts: 215

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Last Updated: Thu Feb 28, 2008

wow, really? Ok.

in SL first, August spends most of (say 90%) of his time involved in the league, he has no life (that's why he's the alt). July, is as ever busy with clothes, family life, weird sexual exploits and er building, she's the one who gets to hang out, Auggie's the one who gets to ask her for money :).

RL, well I'm a pretty normal average guy, married last year to my ever patient wife (well she wasn't my wife when I met her, duh...). I'm a Theatre and Performance teacher at a local college and as of monday will be teaching English Language (covering maternity leave). I love reading my two (current) favourate authors are Chuck Palahniuk and Brett Easton Ellis (yeah I LOVE the sick stuff) but I also have a soft spot for "classic fiction" and would definately put F.Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" at the top of my recommended list (and anything by Edgar Allen Poe is worth atleast one read) also if you've never read Joseph Heller's "Catch 22" go do so now!

Yeah I'm big on books! I also am a geek/nerd/someone who posts on (cross out as applicable) I love DC comics mostly a Batman/Nightwing/Robin fan which is a hang up from being a kid. I collect Robin stuff and have over 25 unique 'models' (toys to non collectors).

I love Kevin Smith movies, and once wanted to open a bar called "Schnoogins" which according to the Urban dictionary actual means "tap someone lightly on the cock"...which I have only just found out!! Naturally being a geek I hold a special place for the ORIGINAL Star Wars trilogy (the NON special edition) in my heart and hate 90% of the prequels. The hobbit walking movies are ok but overly long and seriously how many more hours did they think we should sit through in the "special editions".

I am gay for Johhny Depp & to a lesser extent Ewen McGregor.
I find Christina Ricci *hawt* although not in Mermaids or the Adams Family (you sick sick people!)

I know nothing of graphic design and do texture work "instinctively" or "rubbishly" depending on your perspective.

I moonlight as a karaoke DJ in RL, even though I cannot sing but I love music (indie/rock/emo/little bits of rap/some pop/the Beatles/the rolling stones/etc)

er...I think that covers me, oh, I know nothing about RL IceHockey, I have watched 1 match (a cousin of mine used to play for the Blackpool Seagulls - I watched him play when I was like 12ish, I was more interested in the post game fight).

ooh trivia note...I have been onstage more times than I can count, but the scariest two performances have been when I did stand up comedy at a local comedy club the first time I was supposed to be on for 5 minutes, but forget all my jokes on the way from the green room to the stage...and my adlibbing was awful "I'd like to play piano for you now...but I can't"...
The second time I did it was a little better, some weird and wonderful Eddie Izzard style jokes mixed with a lot of crazy banter about machines taking over the world...went down well with the 3 students in the audience, the rest of the club looked at me as if I'd just killed a small puppy on stage with my bare hands!

that's me!

P.S. as a conceit to my wife I have to mention that we have 2 and a half cats. Don't ask about the half...he's not half a cat...just making that clear he is a full cat...we're not that sick.
KingHenrik Lundquist

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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008

Ahh, I've been waiting to know Jack for a long time now.

Now, the story no one wants to read.

RL: I'm a nerd. Nuff said. I scheduled my classes this semester so I have Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Weekends I can just sleep and play games. I basically attend my classes and kick it in my off time. I don't have a job, since what work place could you think of would want a kid like me? I'm saving up money for pads, etc for this upcoming season, and I'm going to try out for the team. I do have the skills...I just don't have the experience. I've never been on an organized team, so, this will be interesting doing practices and shit. I'm going to be working out this summer, and possibly attend a camp if I can. I play street hockey during the summer, and I've played pond hockey...and most of you know I adapt well and I've got good reflexes. I'll be focusing on money first though. I try to be a really good guy, one you'll remember of a kind, you know?

I'm majoring in computational science, and I plan on being a Cryptologist/Cryptographer when I get my degree.

SL: As many of you can tell from my pictures...I try to be like myself...though ignorance seems to show more online. I'm scripting the stuff for next season, but I also do other stuff for other side jobs, specifically SLASCAR and SLCN. I don't ask for money...though I'm sure if I did, I'd probably be one of the Rockefellers of SL. I play hockey, I race, I simboard.

Other stuff online: I play COH, COD4, BF2142, PotC, and a million other games. I play strategy and shooter, though sims keep me busy. I wanna get Spore when it comes out.
Bedtime Bobbysocks

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Posted: Sat Mar 1, 2008

Well lets see.. I might be the weirdest one here then again most furs are..

My name is Jeff I turned 23yrs old Feb 4th and I've just about done it all when it comes to sports.

I think the past 4 years will be the most interesting to tell so I will share that.

During the NHL Lockout I got into minor league hockey thanks to Barret Jackman, Bryce Salvador, Jamal Mayers and Ryan Johnson of the St. Louis Blues going to play for the Missouri River Otters of the then United Hockey League.

It was during that season that I knew after years of not knowing what I wanted to do with my Life that I would try to do something that very very dew people in the world can do. And that is to be a professional Mascot and make a living doing it.

It wasn't easy at all to get into most people get lucky or know someone on the inside. It's not something you sign up to do at all. So I tried to attend as many games as I could which ended up being 20 or so the most hockey games I had seen in one season my entire life.

Well before the season ended I got in with the Booster Club and started working a new website design/layout for them which was never used which I will explain why later.

But right after Hurricane Katrina we went out to a costume shop and did a funraiser to raise money for the ASPCA. "Oscar" the Mascot of the Otters was there (or at least an intern was) But he was terrible and wanted to leave after 30min. Right when we found out that the local NBC and FOX news crews were coming out to do a report.

So seeing this as my chance I went over to Christie who was the Community Relations Director and told her I would be interested in putting on the suit so that the team could get some tv exposure.

She was ok with that since the Booster Club was there watching me.

So I did I put on the costume and went to town we got great tv exposure in fact the GM Frank saw it on tv and from what I heard he came into the office the next day and said wow who was that in Oscar? Christie told him it was me and said we need to get this guy to do Ottertoberfest at the St. Louis Zoo.

You can imagine my reaction when I got a call from her saying they the GM loved it and wanted me to do the next appearance. So I quickly said yes and off we went.

I did the event with Dan who was the Media Relations guy and Play by Play announcer. So I got the best of both worlds. After the event he went back to Frank and told him that the team should sign me to a contract for the season.

So I get a call from Frank asking me if I would be interested in being the Community Oscar for the 2005-2006 season and backup for home games for the pay of 2 season tickets.

Without missing a beat I said I would be honored.

So from then on my Career took off. I did over 100 appearances from Missouri to Illinois that season and was in charge of the UHL's mascots at the 2006 All Star Classic in Missouri. That was the most appearances ever done in the team's history and by the end of the season attendance had gone up even though the team sucked. Sadly at the end of the season it was announced that the Otters would cease to exsist and my gig was up.

Upon returning the costume to Frank he thanked me for all of my hard work and asked me which color jersey I liked better. I said the white home jersey. So he took the Oscar jersey that I had just handed to him and gave it back to me saying "You are the best Oscar I have seen in my 6 years with the club you deserve this." At that point I almost cried it ment so much to me what he said.

It was at this point that I had the motivation to go for the NHL.

This is going to turn into a book eventually I think I've had many people tell me I need to write a book about my life when I make it to the NHL full time.

I'll stop here and write more later.
Boston Beeks
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Posted: Sun Mar 2, 2008

In RL, I'll be 27 this year. I'm married and live in western NY. I was born and raised in Boston, MA though. I'm a big sports fan especially with the Boston teams. I work as a web developer contractor for a big consulting firm, and I also do web developer work on the side for a friend's web business. I'm taking classes on an online college trying to finish getting my Bachelors degree in Web Development. I want to someday be able to create a video game, but I got a lot to learn first (C++, C#, etc.). Maybe someday if SLH needs a custom-made web site I can help with it.

In SL, I spend most of my time playing SLH. My wife Red Beeks has a store named BSN on SL that I help support. I don't build on SL yet.
August Lusch

Posts: 215

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Posted: Mon Mar 3, 2008

Boston was born in Boston...that's a great way to remember that piece of trivia!
Dyz Warburton
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Posted: Fri Mar 7, 2008

How dare you all have Real Lives?!?

Ok, so we are all guilty. Some of you know a bit about me, more than just the crease-calling, penalty-calling, goal-disallowing, lets-get-this-game-on-the-road ref.

In RL, I'm a manager in an IT shop, developing custom code and applications. We work with .Net mostly and do well keeping up with new technology. Yeah, a geek at heart, aren't we all?

Weekends are a different story. I'm an adrenaline junky, up for most anything fast or dangerous! For me, Winters exist for snowboarding. The past two years I’ve been competing in Boardercross... if you've never heard of it, look it up! Summers are motorcycling, paintball tournaments, etc.

Oh, and let’s not forget SL! That's a whole other story!

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